
NEM 3.0

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is contemplating how to address Energy Metering (NEM) 3.0 proposal indefinitely.

According to an article by Ryan Kennedy of PV Magazine, if NEM 3.0 passes, utility companies will pay less to rooftop solar owners for exporting their excess production back to the grid. “EQ Analysts said the proposal would lead to a 57-71% overall reduction in solar savings across the state.”

A provision under fire is the monthly grid access charge of $8/kW solar capacity. The cost would apply to all solar customers, regardless of whether they have grid-supporting technology like battery energy storage. So, for example, a typical 7kW system owner would pay an additional $56 a month under the proposal.

ATLAS vs. NEM 3.0

ACE can support private, for-profit, or public entities in grandfathering NEM 2.0 before NEM 3.0 is approved. ACE can give you expert advice on the approaching net metering dilemma per the California Utility Commission. The Solar Industries Association has proposed creative ways to address NEM 3.0 head-on.

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Atlas Clean Energy (ACE) began as a consultancy for California businesses and their offshore manufacturing sites (maquiladoras) across the US–Mexico border. We quickly identified operational functions in need of improvement between parents and subsidiaries, especially regarding energy procurement programs.
